In The News
Published September 7, 2018 by Katie Clarey
Working on engagement and retention? Don't leave nursing mothers behind
"There's a lot of judgment around breastfeeding — normalizing it in the workplace can be the make-or-break for a mom considering to come back to work," said Jenna Heisterkamp, director of operations at DayOne Baby, a lactation and early parenting consulting firm.
July 17, 2018
Businesses that support breastfeeding retain new mothers at higher percentage
When you think of retention in the workforce, you might not think about breastfeeding but for new moms it's a big issue. Companies that are supportive retain mothers at nearly 95 percent vs. the national average of 59 percent. Esther Kestenbaum with Day One Baby stopped by ABC7 News to discuss the important issue.
July 16, 2018
Pumped Up: Breastfeeding Working Moms Need Support In Workplace
Esther Kestenbaum, CEO of DayOne Baby, envisions a world “where all workplaces and public spaces have accommodations for lactating mothers.”
June 18, 2018
Portable Workplace Mother’s Room at a Fraction of the Cost
DayOne Baby Unveils Mass Market Lactation Privacy Compliance Solution, including Accessible Model at SHRM Conference
Cost is no longer a barrier for businesses who wish to provide lactation services and support to new mothers. DayOne Baby now offers the affordable, lightweight “Julia” line of Portable Mother’s Rooms. This roomy privacy compliance solution can be easily assembled or transported by a layperson.
June 13, 2018
Employers Reap Rewards From Supporting Nursing Mothers
Employers are developing innovative programs to comply with federal and state statutes requiring accommodations for nursing mothers who need time and private spaces to express breast milk. At a minimum, most employers are providing flexible break times for nursing mothers and adapting their work environments so mothers have private and sanitary spaces for expressing breast milk, as required under federal and state laws.
June 10, 2018
Breastfeeding Legislation Changing the Workplace in the US
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, mothers are the fastest growing segment in the U.S. workforce, but only 52% of these mothers are receiving workplace lactation support. More companies are now acting to ensure the needs of new mothers are being fully addressed when they return to work. Through DayOne Baby, HR Departments can now create a suite of new mother employee packages which include breast pumps, toiletries, and access to lactation experts. Portable Mother’s Rooms will soon be making an appearance. Barry Lawrence of the Human Resources Certification Institute states that, “… Employers are viewed as more attractive when they offer options, such as breastfeeding lounges.”.
June 15, 2018
A Q&A With DayOne Baby! #SHRM18
I recently connected with Esther Kestenbaum, CEO of DayOne Baby and learned a lot about how they can improve the work environment for new moms and families! They work with HR and benefits departments to create a custom plan to fit their company’s needs. More information on their services can be found here! Read on to learn more about Esther and this awesome company you can meet at #SHRM18!
June 15, 2018
Response to NYT Article:Pregnancy Discrimination
Is Rampant Inside America’s
Biggest Companies
In the recent New York Times article, entitled “Pregnancy Discrimination Is Rampant Inside America’s Biggest Companies” Kitroeff and Silver-Greenberg shed light on the growing issue of gender discrimination in the workplace — specifically towards pregnant women and new mothers. This article “hit home,” as I serve as Chief Executive Officer of a company that focuses on bettering conditions for mothers in the workforce. I decided to write a letter to the editor and voice my thoughts.
June 15, 2018
Pregnancy Discrimination
Is Rampant Inside America’s
Biggest Companies
Many pregnant women have been systematically
sidelined in the workplace. They’re passed over for promotions and raises. They’re fired when they complain.
American companies have spent years trying to become more welcoming to women. They have rolled out generous parental leave policies, designed cushy lactation rooms and plowed millions of dollars into programs aimed at retaining mothers. But these advances haven’t changed a simple fact: Whether women work at Walmart or on Wall Street, getting pregnant is often the moment they are knocked off the professional ladder.
June 11, 2018
DayOne Baby Disrupts Workplace Lactation Market with Innovative Solution
Company launches highly affordable Portable Mother’s Rooms
DayOne Baby, a leader in workplace lactation products and services, introduces affordable, legislation compliant Portable Mother’s Rooms. This state-of-the-art innovation allows companies to easily comply with workplace lactation requirements to provide a dedicated private area specific for all lactation needs.
June 4, 2018
DayOne Baby Dominates Lactation Space; Corporations Act
Breastfeeding Legislation Changing the Workplace
Breastfeeding in the workplace has taken center stage. From coast to coast, state lawmakers are passing legislation to protect breastfeeding mothers. New Jersey now recognizes breastfeeding mothers as a protected class, while California’s state legislature will vote on a Lactation Accommodation Bill designed to enhance current workplace conditions for new mothers.
May 21, 2018
Helping New Moms Get Back to Work With Less Worry
State legislators are taking a closer look at protections and accommodations for employees who are breastfeeding or expressing milk for their infants. Federal regulators and the medical community is also concerned. Meanwhile, many employers are already taking steps to ensure new moms can return to work with less worry.
"In the years since the [Pregnancy Discrimination Act] was enacted, charges alleging pregnancy discrimination have increased substantially," warns the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in revised 2015 guidance. The EEOC guidance also recommends that employers adopt policies to protect new moms.
May 18, 2018
The Open Secret of Anti-Mom Bias at Work
Bias against mothers in the workplace occurs often and is a systematic problem. Mothers are seen as less competent and/or committed to their jobs. A study published in the American Journal of Sociology found that all things being equal, being a mother reduced the chances of securing a job by 37% and mothers offered a job would be offered, on average, $11,000 less per year than their childless counterparts. This in no way affected fathers. Mothers also have a harder time advancing in their professional; This has been coined the “Maternal Wall”. Why don’t many mothers speak up? They simply have more to lose.
May 17, 2018
Insurer Slashes Breast Pump Payments, Stoking Fears Fewer Moms Will Breastfeed
Anthem Inc., America’s second largest healthcare provider makes cuts to breast pump reimbursements by 44%. Many worry moms will not get the pumps they need and will forfeit breastfeeding entirely. Anthem says a variety of breast pumps will still be available, in compliance with the Affordable Care Act. However, lower reimbursement rates will limit the availability of no-cost options. As breast pumps are not “one size fits all,” no cost and lower cost options many not be feasible for all new mothers.
May 16, 2018
New moms seek support of corporates to breastfeed at work
A survey conducted by ProEves and Medela India says that one of the most common reasons new mothers switch from breast milk to formula is the lack of breastfeeding support at work. This survey was performed across 38 leading organizations in various sectors. The two major concerns for new mothers were breastfeeding/pumping in the workplace and where exactly this would be done at work. Corporations are already investing in childcare support and paid maternity leave. For these businesses, lactation accommodation has a better ROI in terms of employee retention.
May 15, 2018
For a More Productive Workplace, Welcome Breastfeeding Moms Back to Their Jobs
Women are the fastest growing segment of the workforce. Currently women account for 47% of American workers. By providing new mothers with breastfeeding accommodations, businesses than protect and/or increase their bottom line. Healthier, happier employees are more likely to stay and perform. According to research, accommodations also produce a high ROI. For every $1 invested, $3 are saved. Healthier babies require less time and less health care expenses. This means few missed workdays.
March 7, 2017
Breastfeeding SF Workers To Be Given Private Space Under Proposed Legislation
A San Francisco supervisor introduced legislation Tuesday that would require businesses to provide a space for workers who are breastfeeding or lactating. “New mothers juggle a million things to get through the day,” said Julia Parish of the Healthy Mothers Workplace Coalition.